How to install smash mods
How to install smash mods

For the sake of brevity and consistency, this guide will henceforth refer to Wrye Bash as ‘WB,’ and its analogues will likewise be referred to as ‘WS’ and ‘WM’ for Wrye Smash and Wrye Mash, respectively. Wrye Smash is simply Wrye ‘Bash’ implemented for Skyrim (TES5), so it IS Wrye Bash. Wrye also later created an implementation that he called Wrye ‘Mash’ for Morrowind (TES3). Wrye was a prominent TES (The Elder Scrolls) enthusiast, modder and developer that created Wrye Bash as a tool to help other modders deal with the idiosyncrasies of modding for Oblivion (TES4). However, Wrye Bash can still be used for STEP but the Guide will no longer have instructions exclusively for Wrye Bash users as it did in the past. As such, some of the information in the following Guide might be outdated since it is not being actively maintained on a regular basis. Please be aware STEP now exclusively supports SkyrimLE:Mod Organizer for the STEP Guide and modding. 8.1.1 Setting the load order of the plugins.

how to install smash mods how to install smash mods how to install smash mods

3.3 Launch Wrye Bash for the First Time.2.1.2 Install File-Compression Software.2.1 Set Up Skyrim & Supporting Software.1.3 Background - Basic Modding Principles.

How to install smash mods